Cyber Cafe

Cyber Cafe

With the burgeoning coffee culture taking a firm hold on our discerning palates, it is not surprising that people are showing more than a passing curiosity in the humble brew that has since achieved cult-like adulation amongst Malaysians.

And to help feed this age-old addiction, online sites have been popping up in cyberspace to cater to needs of coffee connoisseurs in Malaysia in search of the best beans, brewers and a host of coffee related paraphernalia to satisfy their cravings.

Trend-setting Cuppa (www.cuppa.com.my) offers a range of items by international brands ranging from Bodum to Lavazza. In addition to antique grinders and a wide range of espresso machines, Cuppa also carries a wide variety of tools such as tampers, thermometers and milk pitchers for aspiring baristas who wish to recreate the cafe experience at home.

More than just an online shopping site, Cuppa also has a blog page that often serves as an instruction manual of sorts for buyers who’re still not quite adept with their coffee gadgets and accessories. You can even drop by at their showroom outlet at Holiday Villa on Jalan Ampang for a quick browse and chat with the proprietor on the latest in java trends.

Tapping in to the lucrative online market is Auresso Coffee (www.auresso.com.my), the product of an experiment in coffee education in Australia. Recognising the growing numbers of discerning drinkers in Malaysia thanks to a strong expatriate presence and the process of globalisation, Auresso Coffee embarked on a mission to raise the profile of the flavourful Arabica beans in a landscape that was predominantly Robusta.

Get your fix of freshly-roasted beans of varying origins, from Indonesian Blu Batak to organic Mexican. Carrying a selected range of beans, tea leaves and accessories, the website is easy to navigate and clearly caters to consumers. There is also a page on coffee brewing, offering tips and advice on different brewing methods which have been simplified for beginners.



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