Rewarded with cash by Tiger Beer this CNY

Rewarded with cash by Tiger Beer this CNY


In the coming Chinese New Year celebration for the year of Rooster, Heineken Malaysia Berhad is giving away cash and prizes worth a total of RM2 million to over one million Malaysian consumers.

The campaign led by Tiger Beer is taking place between 1 and 31st January 2017. Buy any big bottle of Tiger Beer, Heineken, Guinness or Anchor Beer in Coffee Shops, Food Courts and Restaurants, look under the bottle cap and see if you get ang-pow of RM8,888 cash, RM2 rebates on beer purchases or exclusive sets of playing cards

Two big bottles of Heineken or Guinness will qualify you a “Match & Win” scratch card that entitles the winner an immediate redeemable RM2 rebate on their next purchase of a big bottle.

Throughout the month of January, Tiger Beer will be visiting selected outlets across Malaysia with attractive promotions, live performances, and games with cash and prizes

There is also the Tiger Yee Sang set created in conjunction with Tiger Beer’s street food campaign, Tiger STREATS, for pre-purchase dinner tables at selected outlets nationwide.

Exclusive CNY designed 24-can and 18-can packs of Tiger Beer are now available in selected Giatn and Aeon stores nationwide. Each comes with 2 packets of Tiger CNY ang-pow.

To find out about participating outlets, visit Tiger Beer Facebook page.



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