The Cigar Club, Malaysia

The Cigar Club, Malaysia

Cigars might have a reputation of being an exclusive boys club, but among these people you couldn’t be further from the truth. At The Cigar Club, you are able to connect with cigar aficionados from all walks of life and bond over your shared interest in cigars.

Founded in 2010 in Kuala Lumpur by Andreas Vogiatzakis, the club has hosted over 60 events in the last eight years, holding its first ever public event at the Cuban Embassy in Malaysia in September of last year. Most recently they held a gathering for Chinese New Year at the Whisky Cove in Pavilion Hotel Kuala Lumpur, with the Cuban Ambassador to Malaysia, Ibete Fernandez as the special guest, plus Master Cigar Roller Yesser Ferrera doing a live demonstration (pictured above).

One activity that has been ongoing since the club’s inception is The Exchange, their signature affair where each member brings a cigar to exchange with another member. This is decided by a lucky draw, and each person introduces the cigar they’ve contributed, sharing their knowledge among the group and enhancing cigar appreciation of all different types.

For more information about The Cigar Club, as well as membership and future events, check out their website and follow them on Instagram.


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