Invalid SQL: (SELECT s.sec_initial, s.sec_name, c.cat_name, c.cat_initial, c1.clvl1_initial, a.art_id AS id, ad.art_title AS title, ad.art_seo AS seo, ad.art_trail AS trail, a.type AS type, a.art_img AS image, a.art_pubstartdate AS startdate FROM thirst_article AS a LEFT JOIN thirst_articledesc AS ad ON ad.art_id = a.art_id LEFT JOIN thirst_articletag AS at ON at.art_id = a.art_id LEFT JOIN thirst_section AS s ON s.sec_id = a.sec_id LEFT JOIN thirst_category AS c ON c.cat_id = a.cat_id LEFT JOIN thirst_catlevel1 AS c1 ON c1.clvl1_id = a.clvl1_id WHERE DATE_FORMAT(a.art_pubstartdate, '%Y-%m-%d' ) <= '2025-02-23' AND (at.art_tagseo1 = 'New Year's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo2 = 'New Year's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo3 = 'New Year's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo4 = 'New Year's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo5 = 'New Year's Eve') AND a.publish_status = 1) UNION(SELECT s.sec_initial, s.sec_name, c.cat_name, c.cat_initial, c1.clvl1_initial, v.vn_id AS id, vd.vn_name AS title, vd.vn_seo AS seo, vd.vn_trail AS trail, v.type AS type, v.vn_img AS image, v.vn_reviewdate AS startdate FROM thirst_venue AS v LEFT JOIN thirst_venuedesc AS vd ON vd.vn_id = v.vn_id LEFT JOIN thirst_venuetag AS vt ON vt.vn_id = v.vn_id LEFT JOIN thirst_section AS s ON s.sec_id = v.sec_id LEFT JOIN thirst_category AS c ON c.cat_id = v.cat_id LEFT JOIN thirst_catlevel1 AS c1 ON c1.clvl1_id = v.clvl1_id WHERE DATE_FORMAT(v.vn_reviewdate, '%Y-%m-%d' ) <= '2025-02-23' AND (vt.vn_tagseo1 = 'New Year's Eve' OR vt.vn_tagseo2 = 'New Year's Eve' OR vt.vn_tagseo3 = 'New Year's Eve' OR vt.vn_tagseo4 = 'New Year's Eve' OR vt.vn_tagseo5 = 'New Year's Eve') AND v.publish_status = 1) UNION (SELECT s.sec_initial, s.sec_name, c.cat_name, c.cat_initial, c1.clvl1_initial, g.gl_id AS id, gd.gl_title AS title, gd.gl_seo AS seo, gd.gl_trail AS trail, g.type AS type, g.gl_coverimg AS image, g.gl_pubstartdate AS startdate FROM thirst_gallery AS g LEFT JOIN thirst_gallerydesc AS gd ON gd.gl_id = g.gl_id LEFT JOIN thirst_gallerytag AS gt ON gt.gl_id = g.gl_id LEFT JOIN thirst_section AS s ON s.sec_id = g.sec_id LEFT JOIN thirst_category AS c ON c.cat_id = g.cat_id LEFT JOIN thirst_catlevel1 AS c1 ON c1.clvl1_id = g.clvl1_id WHERE DATE_FORMAT(g.gl_pubstartdate, '%Y-%m-%d' ) <= '2025-02-23' AND (gt.gl_tagseo1 = 'New Year's Eve' OR gt.gl_tagseo2 = 'New Year's Eve' OR gt.gl_tagseo3 = 'New Year's Eve' OR gt.gl_tagseo4 = 'New Year's Eve' OR gt.gl_tagseo5 = 'New Year's Eve') AND g.publish_status = 1) ORDER BY startdate DESC MySQL Error :1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo2 = 'New Year's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo3 = 'New Yea' at line 9
Error file: /home/thirstm1/public_html/core/libs/classes/db.class.php
Error line: 341
Invalid SQL: (SELECT s.sec_initial, s.sec_name, c.cat_name, c.cat_initial, c1.clvl1_initial, a.art_id AS id, ad.art_title AS title, ad.art_seo AS seo, ad.art_trail AS trail, a.type AS type, a.art_img AS image, a.art_pubstartdate AS startdate FROM thirst_article AS a LEFT JOIN thirst_articledesc AS ad ON ad.art_id = a.art_id LEFT JOIN thirst_articletag AS at ON at.art_id = a.art_id LEFT JOIN thirst_section AS s ON s.sec_id = a.sec_id LEFT JOIN thirst_category AS c ON c.cat_id = a.cat_id LEFT JOIN thirst_catlevel1 AS c1 ON c1.clvl1_id = a.clvl1_id WHERE DATE_FORMAT(a.art_pubstartdate, '%Y-%m-%d' ) <= '2025-02-23' AND (at.art_tagseo1 = 'New Year's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo2 = 'New Year's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo3 = 'New Year's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo4 = 'New Year's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo5 = 'New Year's Eve') AND a.publish_status = 1) UNION(SELECT s.sec_initial, s.sec_name, c.cat_name, c.cat_initial, c1.clvl1_initial, v.vn_id AS id, vd.vn_name AS title, vd.vn_seo AS seo, vd.vn_trail AS trail, v.type AS type, v.vn_img AS image, v.vn_reviewdate AS startdate FROM thirst_venue AS v LEFT JOIN thirst_venuedesc AS vd ON vd.vn_id = v.vn_id LEFT JOIN thirst_venuetag AS vt ON vt.vn_id = v.vn_id LEFT JOIN thirst_section AS s ON s.sec_id = v.sec_id LEFT JOIN thirst_category AS c ON c.cat_id = v.cat_id LEFT JOIN thirst_catlevel1 AS c1 ON c1.clvl1_id = v.clvl1_id WHERE DATE_FORMAT(v.vn_reviewdate, '%Y-%m-%d' ) <= '2025-02-23' AND (vt.vn_tagseo1 = 'New Year's Eve' OR vt.vn_tagseo2 = 'New Year's Eve' OR vt.vn_tagseo3 = 'New Year's Eve' OR vt.vn_tagseo4 = 'New Year's Eve' OR vt.vn_tagseo5 = 'New Year's Eve') AND v.publish_status = 1) UNION (SELECT s.sec_initial, s.sec_name, c.cat_name, c.cat_initial, c1.clvl1_initial, g.gl_id AS id, gd.gl_title AS title, gd.gl_seo AS seo, gd.gl_trail AS trail, g.type AS type, g.gl_coverimg AS image, g.gl_pubstartdate AS startdate FROM thirst_gallery AS g LEFT JOIN thirst_gallerydesc AS gd ON gd.gl_id = g.gl_id LEFT JOIN thirst_gallerytag AS gt ON gt.gl_id = g.gl_id LEFT JOIN thirst_section AS s ON s.sec_id = g.sec_id LEFT JOIN thirst_category AS c ON c.cat_id = g.cat_id LEFT JOIN thirst_catlevel1 AS c1 ON c1.clvl1_id = g.clvl1_id WHERE DATE_FORMAT(g.gl_pubstartdate, '%Y-%m-%d' ) <= '2025-02-23' AND (gt.gl_tagseo1 = 'New Year's Eve' OR gt.gl_tagseo2 = 'New Year's Eve' OR gt.gl_tagseo3 = 'New Year's Eve' OR gt.gl_tagseo4 = 'New Year's Eve' OR gt.gl_tagseo5 = 'New Year's Eve') AND g.publish_status = 1) ORDER BY startdate DESC LIMIT 0, 12 MySQL Error :1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo2 = 'New Year's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo3 = 'New Yea' at line 9
Error file: /home/thirstm1/public_html/core/libs/classes/db.class.php
Error line: 341
Leading drinks portal in Malaysia

Tag Results: New Year's Eve

next_record called with no query pending. MySQL Error :1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo2 = 'New Year's Eve' OR at.art_tagseo3 = 'New Yea' at line 9
Error file: /home/thirstm1/public_html/core/libs/classes/db.class.php
Error line: 341

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